A small puzzle game for Brackeys Game Jam. You need to arrange your garden so that each plant will receive the right amount of sunlight. Each level contains the available garden space, which plants you have and how many of them there are and how many walls there are.


Click on a plant/wall from the bottom bar to select it and click on an available tile to place it. Double click a tile with a plant/wall on it to return it to the bar.

You can place walls in your garden to cast shadows. A wall will cast a day-long shadow on the plant above it, 50% shade on the plants diagonal to it and 25% shade on the plants to the sides of it. Each plant needs a different amount of sunlight - shown as the sun-moon icons on the plants bar.

(The game currently doesn't have an ending and instead just loops back to the first puzzle)


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Heh, fun.